Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Recipes to Kindle Thanksgiving Holiday Spirit

Road Trip Movies Exemplify the American Dream
Written by Teresa Knudsen. Published on Suite 101 November 25, 2009.
Republished January 11, 2012 on Sweet Suite Writings

Recipes to Kindle Thanksgiving Holiday Spirit

Everyone knows that the holidays can bring more stress than relaxation and enjoyment. Whether it's rushing to prepare a perfect turkey dinner, sitting though yet another football game, or dealing with loved ones, it's easy for the Thanksgiving holiday to become more of a chore than a time to remember blessings.
Here are some recipes with ingredients for finding time during Thanksgiving Day to actually give thanks.

Visit Plimoth Plantation and Wampanoag Camp in Person or On-Line

Plimoth Plantation is a re-enactment of the lives of the Pilgrims after they arrived in the New World. The small, one-room homes with hearth, herbs, and family show that we have much to be grateful for. No matter how small or humble our homes and bank accounts might be, they look like mansions and riches compared to the Plimoth dwellings and economy.
Among the many Thanksgiving items offered is the Giving Thanks Cookbook, by Kathleen Curtain, Sandra Oliver, and Plimoth Plantation. Along with recipes are stories of Thanksgiving lore, to enrichen the culinary enjoyment and gratefulness. The Pilgrims crossed the chilly Atlantic in a small ship packed with over 100 people. They were headed to Virginia, but blown off course north to cold Massachusetts. Yet, they found a way to give thanks for their blessings amongst all their difficulties.
Native American encampment experience includes ample opportunities to learn about the many ways that the tribes lived with their families. Chief Massasoit is honored for the help he provided. At the same time, the tribes express their frustration over the treatment they received as they were pushed off their lands, and their way of life was changed. A healthy dose of such information goes well with the spirit of Thanksgiving, and helps us all ponder how to make life a blessing for all.

Watch White Christmas with Bing Crosby

Yes, it is true that this is a Christmas film. Yet, the themes and songs in this colorful movie remind us to be thankful for our freedoms and to count our blessings. The film begins in a World War II battlefield on Christmas Eve, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye playing two soldiers entertaining the troops while bombs are exploding in the background. Later, the two become successful Broadway producers who pitch in to help their struggling ex-general, and find love at the same time.
The mixture of humor, satire, and songs appeals to all ages, and is a great movie to watch with family and friends. Be prepared for a poignant version of Bing singing "White Christmas" on the battlefield, and later his melodic "Counting My Blessing" sung by the open hearth in a winter lodge.
The film is best watched after Thanksgiving dinner, and it's a wonderful time to enjoy dessert, fruit, coffee, or tea.

Take a Moment to List Blessings on Paper

While we might be able to tell some of our blessings, often the words evaporate and disappear before the day is over. Despite the busy day, set aside some time to settle with pen and paper, and actually write down reasons to give thanks. It's best if this is done in a quiet room. Candlelight can inspire the writing. If the weather permits, take the pen and paper outside. Mother Nature is a great muse, and just getting some fresh air and writing outside provides ways to count blessings.

Spend Time and Share with Others

We live in a world focused on individual wants and needs. Yet, the focus on what each of us wants can also create a prison-like perspective. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to go beyond the "me" limits. The holidays are a nice time to ask food banks or homeless shelters if there is a way to help.This is a time to listen to our elders, who might be lonely, or to play with a child, who might feel left-out. There are ideas for children on " Fun, Easy, Thanksgiving Activities for Children."
In the best of worlds, there would be no unhappiness or want. But, until, if ever, such a utopia arrives, lending a helping hand not only makes the world a better place, but helps us see our blessings more clearly. These recipes for counting our blessings don't cost any money. These recipes for counting our blessings leave us feeling richer.
  • Curtain, Kathleen, Sandra Oliver, and Plimoth Plantation. Giving Thanks Cookbook. Plimoth
  • Ferris, Jean Louis Gerome. The First Thanksgiving..
  • White Christmas. (1954). Starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera Ellen. Directed by Michael Curtiz. Paramount.

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